
DA#3 – Explore Emotions with 5-Picture-Method

Which emotions do you know and how can you catch them within a photo?

Children go on a photo safari and use the camera to explore their surroundings and their personal connection with it. By using a digital tool, children see their environment through different eyes, explore its meaning and change the perception. At home and in kindergarten children learn to review photos with categories and to identify and name personal viewpoints and emotions as well as to use a collaborative tool like an online bulletin board to share content and recap experiences with others. The children can also use the photo material to work together as a group, invent ideas and create a little story together.

An idea from

JFF – Institut für Medienpädagogik, tested with Familienzentrum Peter und Paul, Augsburg, Germany


3 activities (30-40 minutes each)


5-7 years


  1. Using the camera for taking pictures and exploring emotions and how they can be identified and captured through a camera.
  2. Identifying mechanisms and established view habits regarding emotional responses to photos in an active way.
  3. Learn to use photos to change perspective and create a little story. Acquire knowledge about storytelling and transitions from photo to film.

#emotions #photography #images #art #digitalcamera